Six Ways To Have Fun Coding Ruby

Six Ways To Have Fun Coding Ruby

Six Ways To Have Fun Coding Ruby

Do you want to improve your coding skills to build Ruby applications? Coding doesn’t have to be stressful and boring.

Consider a few ways you can have fun coding Ruby. Fun websites, like Codecademy, make it easier than ever to learn to code!

Keep reading for more ways to have fun with code.

1. Scrape Data

One of the best ways to have fun coding Ruby is to scrape data from websites. You can choose websites that you like, or you can find data you want to track. Ruby is one of many programming languages you can use for web scraping.

After you decide what data you want to scrape, you can go to the website in question. Then, you can follow web scraping steps to record that data using Ruby.

Once you scrape the data, you can save it as a CSV file, and you can view it using a program that works with CSV files, such as Excel.

When you first use Ruby for web scraping, you can start with static pages to get the hang of it. Then, you can move to dynamic web pages later. That way, you can always learn something new, and you can scrape more and more websites.

How To Have Fun

You can scrape data from almost any website out there. Because of that, you can focus on data that interests you to make it fun. For example, if you’re fascinated by investing, you can scrape websites for stock data or other financial information.

Or, if you want to make a list of the most popular dog breeds, you can visit a dog website. Then, you can scrape the page for a list of dog breeds.

Level Of Expertise

If you want to web scrape a lot of data, you may need some experience with Ruby. As a beginner, you can follow a web scraping tutorial to learn the basic steps.

However, it can help to understand how Ruby applications work. Then, you can find fun websites for web scraping. Even if you know everything about Ruby, you can still use it for web scraping.

How Much It Costs

Fortunately, you don’t need to pay for anything special for web scraping. As long as you already have Ruby and an internet connection, you can start web scraping today.

However, you may want to use a VPN to mask your IP address. If you web scrape often, you may find that websites will block your IP address. Then, you can continue web scraping.

2. Use Codecademy

Codecademy is an excellent website to learn about different coding languages, including Ruby. It’s a great place to start learning Ruby, but you can also use it to improve existing skills. The website offers a free course on Ruby, so you can start your coding journey.

You can learn how to use Ruby alone or as part of Ruby on Rails. The Codecademy course also covers topics like looping, arrays, and object-oriented programming.

At the end of the course, you can create a project using Ruby. That can be an excellent way to apply your skills. Then, you can use your skills to have more fun coding Ruby, and you can use some of the other methods to enjoy coding.

The course offers a nice flow of material, so it’s great if you enjoy some structure when learning. You don’t have to worry about missing anything. That way, you can move on to more advanced projects or courses.

How To Have Fun

For some people, taking a course can seem boring. You don’t have full control over what you learn, but you do have control over when you learn it. The Codecademy course is online, and you can go through it at your pace.

If you really love coding with Ruby, you can go through the course more quickly. But if you want to enjoy each lesson, you can take it slower.

Level Of Expertise

Codecademy is perfect for anyone new to Ruby. You can learn the concepts from the beginning, and you can make sure you get a good foundation before you attempt something more complicated.

However, someone with a decent amount of experience may find the course too boring. But if it’s been a while since you used Ruby, the course can be a good refresher.

How Much It Costs

You can take the Codecademy Ruby course for free. However, you can get a Pro subscription to Codecademy for about $20 to $40 per month. Then, you can download a certificate of completion after finishing the course.

3. Solve Problems With Project Euler

Project Euler is another tool to help you have fun when coding Ruby. It offers over 700 problems that you can use coding and math to solve. The problems focus on topics like Fibonacci numbers, prime factors, and other math concepts.

If you like solving problems, this can be a great way to spend your time coding. You can write the code in Ruby, and you can have it automatically retrieve the answer for the question you choose.

The problems may take a bit of time to solve, and you may need to spend time writing the code. However, it’s fantastic if you want to flex your math skills along with coding.

And because there are hundreds of problems, you don’t have to worry about running out of them. You can focus on one problem a day to keep up with your Ruby skills, and it can still take you a couple of years to go through each problem.

How To Have Fun

When you start using Project Euler, start with the problems that interest you. The website offers a variety of problems, so you can probably find a few you want to try.

Open up your Ruby application and use it to create code to help solve the problem. If you can’t solve the problem with Ruby the first time, you can experiment with the code until you find something that works.

Level Of Expertise

If you want to use Ruby to solve these math problems, you should have a basic understanding of the language. Then, you can get straight to the problems.

However, you don’t have to be an expert in Ruby to use it. As long as you can learn how to write code to help solve problems, it can be an excellent option.

How Much It Costs

Project Euler is free to use, so all you need is an internet connection. You can register and create a username and password, but you still don’t have to pay.

4. Join A Coding Dojo

If you want to work with others, you can join a coding dojo. You can use the Coding Dojo website to find dojos near you, so you can meet other people coding with Ruby. Then, you can solve problems together, and you can make new friends.

If you can’t find any dojos near you, you can meet other coders online. You can still work on problems together, but you don’t have to worry about going to meet in person.

Also, you can start a coding dojo. Then, you can advertise it in your community or online, and you can ask people to contact you for more information.

As you get people to join, you can set up events where you can get together and code. If you find coding on your own boring, a coding dojo may be the best option for you. It can be a great way to have fun coding but also to help you be social.

How To Have Fun

Look for coding dojos that are suitable for your level and that use Ruby. Then, you can make sure you will get the most out of participating.

If you like planning things, you may enjoy creating your own coding dojo even more. You can then control everything from the schedule to the problems and level of experience required.

Level Of Expertise

Because you can find multiple coding dojos, you can find one for your level of expertise. Then, you can still challenge yourself and have fun at the same time.

If you can’t find a dojo that suits your needs, creating one is a great option. You don’t have to worry about waiting until you’re an expert. However, you also don’t have to stick to basic problems once you advance a bit.

How Much It Costs

Many coding dojos are free to join, so you just need to have free time for them. That can be a great option if you’re on a budget but also want to meet people and practice coding.

However, you may need to pay for a space to host a coding dojo. If you don’t want people to visit your house, you may need to rent out a room at a local venue.

5. Build An App Using Ruby

If you want to put your Ruby skills into action, you can use them to build an app. Ruby applications can vary, so you can decide what you want to create. Consider the topic you want to focus on and what features you want to add to your app.

Then, you can start writing the code for your app. You can run the app to see how it looks, and you can make any necessary changes to improve the program.

Now, building a more complex app can take time. But you may be able to create something simple in one sitting. You can then leave the app how it is, or you can make it more complex over the course of a few days or weeks.

Building an app doesn’t have many limits other than your coding knowledge. Even then, you can look up tutorials online to fill in the gaps. That way, you can create a unique app that you’re proud of, and you can even release it to others.

How To Have Fun

The easiest way to have fun when using Ruby to build an app is to build precisely the app you want. Think about any apps that you would want but can’t find on your computer or mobile device. Consider how you can design and develop the app of your dreams.

You can also work with other coders to create your app. Then, you can brainstorm ideas with them for a unique perspective. If you get frustrated with the app, you can take a break and come back later. That way, you can enjoy the entire process.

Level Of Expertise

Building Ruby applications isn’t for the faint of heart, so it’s not the best option if you’re new to Ruby. However, it can be a great way to challenge yourself once you have some coding experience.

You can use the app to test out different pieces of code, and you can keep learning. Then, you can make an app you love and want to use each day.

How Much It Costs

Building an app with Ruby may cost you nothing but your time. If you want to build a simple app, it may only take a few hours. However, a more complex program may take days or weeks to complete.

If you want to make the app even more professional, you may want to pay someone to review it. That way, you can get rid of any issues and make sure the app is ready for people to use.

6. Teach Others

You can also have fun coding Ruby by teaching it to others. Sometimes, explaining concepts or steps to someone else can reinforce those things for you and your learning. It’s also a great way to have fun coding with others.

You can find someone who wants to learn to code with Ruby, and you can mentor them. It could be fun to help them as they learn the basics and complete their first project or two.

Once they get the hang of Ruby, you can keep teaching them until they reach your level. You can also ask your coding friend to join or start a coding dojo with you. That way, you can keep having fun together.

If you enjoy teaching in general, teaching Ruby to others can help you have a lot of fun. You can set your teaching schedule, and you can work with people individually or in small groups. Then, you can teach how you teach best.

How To Have Fun

Consider the type of person you work well with, and look for that personality type. That way, you can reduce the chances of getting frustrated when your student doesn’t get something. Instead, you can have the patience to teach them and have fun doing it.

You can also consider how you want to teach, such as in-person or online. Consider if you want to teach live coding lessons or create tutorials. That way, you can have fun when coding Ruby.

Level Of Expertise

All you need to start teaching Ruby is some knowledge of it. You can then teach other beginners so that they can learn the basics.

However, you will need to know more than the students you work with. That way, you can share tips and tricks with them. But if you keep learning as you teach, you can keep working with your students.

How Much It Costs

You don’t need to pay anything to start teaching Ruby. Now, you can pay for a website or teaching space to use for your lessons. However, you can use free resources to find students, like social media.

And you can teach out of your home or online. Then, you don’t have to pay for transportation either.

How Will You Code Ruby Applications?

Whether you want to design Ruby applications or solve math problems, you can have fun when coding. You can create your own coding schedule, so you can make time for it with a busy schedule. That way, you can have fun and improve your skills.