Interview With The Founder Of Thooya Innovations – Venkatesh C.R

  • 26 May, 2022
Interview of
Venkatesh C.R
Sharing His Business Journey With TopFirms
Founder Of Thooya Innovations
information Technology

Q 1. Give Us A Brief Introduction About You And Your Company (Thooya Innovations)

My name is Venkatesh C.R, Managing Director of Thooya Innovations.

Thooya Innovations is a startup with a focus to provide innovative, comfortable, elite, safe and hygienic toilet experience totally free of cost.

Q 2. Type Of Services Your Company Offers (Expertise Areas )?

Thooya works with a  Social Commitment which has brought together the founders with an innovative approach to make their Vision and Mission a reality on Public hygiene for a better tomorrow. 

Q 3. Define The Work Flow Of Your Company – Client Entry To Delivery Of A Service.

Our business consists of providing free luxury washrooms that are designed to cater to the requirement of physically challenged, women, and other commuters. The prefabricated structures become ready to use in just after a day of installation. The first washroom is expected to go live by mid June 2021

Q 4. How Is Your Business Model Beneficial From A Value Addition Perspective To The Clients Compared To Other Companies’ Models?

We never settle for anything less than what’s best for the client. In this case, we seek to stand out by focusing on elite toilets and the far superior sanitary experience people can derive from them.

Q 5. How Do You Manage Your Business In This Covid Pandemic?

It goes without saying that I’m extra vigilant about my team’s welfare. We’re lucky that we already have WFH setups in place before the pandemic hit, and overall, I can safely say its impact has been mitigated. 

It’s a given that managing a business is harder now. We have to tighten the belt, so to speak, to keep things running smoothly despite the vast limitations.

As much as I need to ensure the safety of everyone in my team, I also need to find ways to address the problems posed by the pandemic. We’re doing our best to deliver that through our initiatives.

Q 6. What Is Your Future Goal For 2022?

We’re always aiming for growth despite what the grim forecasts portend and the lingering challenge of the pandemic. We’re aiming to attain our target of 4000 toilets in Tamilnadu, Karnataka, and Pondicherry.

Q 7. As Per Your Opinion, Which Technology Has Dominated In Recent Years? What Is The Key Success Factor In That Technology?

I think AI deserves to be put on the spotlight in this topic. Considering its applications now, the forecasters weren’t that far off in their predictions about its world-changing capabilities. 

I think its adaptability and synergy with other major tech catapulted it to the top. That, plus the fact that it’s able to improve itself through machine learning.

Q 8. Any Suggestions Or Recommendations For Top Firms?

Keep doing your thing.