Interview With The Founder Of Caesium – Yuwarajan

  • 26 May, 2022
Interview of
Sharing His Business Journey With TopFirms
The Founder Of Caesium
A Caesiumlab Company

Q 1. Give Us A Brief Introduction About You And Your Company (Caesium)

He has been keen on challenges faced by corporations in the area of Entrepreneurship, Business Management and Information Technology, He also consults in the areas of Digital Security, E-business services and Business Management Coaching.

A MBA candidate specializing in International Marketing, Yuwarajan has also done studies on NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Yuwarajan brings into his class – not only a strong sense of enthusiasm on the issues discussed but also energizes the training sessions with powerful updates on global issues. His enthusiasm in the field of IT security led him to join EC-Council (US) as a professional training consultant, specializing in the field of Computer Forensic

 An Entrepreneur who runs various business portfolios in which some include Digital Security Consulting, Internet Marketing Company, Crypto Exchange and his latest venture Caesiumlab , A Decentralized Blockchain Technology Platform having its unique consensus creating applications like real time blockchain gaming and rewarding its user while playing the Game.

Q 2. Type Of Services Your Company Offers (Expertise Areas)?

CaesiumLab , TIME blockchain works on the basis of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and is ideal for verifying, performing, and storing data and record transactions.

TIME integrated with CAESIUM token helps the network users create new digital assets from the vast ecosystem provided, powered by the TIME Blockchain and our ecosystem covers the below:- Gaming – Decentralize Games and Decentralized Auction Platform dApps – Fleet Management, Global Product Management System (GPMS), Environment, Health and Safety (EHS), and Global Education System DeFi -CAESIUM Wallet, Exchange (Trading), Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), Crypto Lending, Crypto Custodial Service, and Decentralized Will Service (DWC). IoT and Blockchain – Data Security, Cryptographic Key, Authenticating IoT Devices, Usage of IoT Data Encryption, and PKI Security

Q 3. Define The Workflow Of Your Company – Client Entry To Delivery Of A Service.

TIME Blockchain is a transparent decentralized blockchain platform providing an opportunity to earn CAESIUM tokens as a reward using Active Time (POT) and staking (POS). With Proof of Work (PoW), it becomes easy to provide security and verify non-fungible assets (NFA) in the TIME blockchain.

We are working on the hard fork Cardano Blockchain for developing this platform. We will also define our own consensus algorithm which will make this hybrid blockchain a global player based on proof of time (POT) TIME Blockchain.

The algorithm used by TIME blockchain is coded in such a manner to randomly generate tokens and mine as per the total time spent in the blockchain network. The algorithm used for measuring POT in TIME’s blockchain is a trusted code that is applicable for POW, POS, and POC. All our ecosystems are integrated with TIME Blockchain.

Q 4. What Are The Key Challenging Factors While Completing A Project?

The Covid-19 pandemic has reduced our development time and restricted our roadmap in terms of the execution of building the structure of our blockchain.

This has also impacted our timely launch due to competitors having similar ideas of NFT based gaming. Nevertheless, we are confident that we are ahead of our competition against our tacit knowledge in the ecosystem. We are 70% head of development based on our white paper and more development funds are required to complete our TIME Blockchain and ecosystem. We are on track with our roadmap and right now raising funds via our ITO to move to the next phase. These are our challenges, and we are working around them.

Q 5. How Is Your Business Model Beneficial From A Value Addition Perspective To The Clients Compared To Other Companies’ Models?

Decentralized technology offers a new way of looking at how you can run business applications eliminating “ Third Party Trust” . That is what the blockchain technology is solving. An Classic example is how the 1st Generation blockchain has disrupted financial ecosystem with Bitcoin .

We are changing this with TIME Blockchain using our application and rewarding our users using our ecosystem eliminating the need of Third.

Q 6. How Do You Manage Your Business In This Covid Pandemic?

The challenges included the lead development time of the project complement but we managed it with a lot of online zoom calls and meetings.

Q 7. What Is Your Future Goal For 2022?

To complete TIME Ecosystem Application, with growth users of 1,000,000 around the world . We are also looking at having the right ecosystem partners to use our blockchain to build all its ecosystem applications as we have mentioned above in the services we offer.

Q 8. Tell Us About Your Technical Expertise And Success Story Of Any Achievement.

My Technical expertise will be in the areas of Digital Security and building a tech savvy organization. Blending well with my CTO, founder of CaesiumLab,  Logeswaran, his technical expertise in blockchain and my business expertise in the technological environment gives us the right FIT to build this business to the next height .

TIME’s Alpha Returns Game is built on the core competencies of Blockchain and gives you an action-packed environment to play. TIME has built the first-ever truly decentralized digital scarcity game based on NFT linking through our TIME Blockchain. We started our ITO in the month of June 2021 and have successfully registered 20000 users and currently, we have active 30000 users in our CAESIUM Telegram community. This has given us confidence that we are on the right track to creating a new fourth generation blockchain solution.

Q 9. As Per Your Opinion, Which Technology Has Dominated In Recent Years? What Is The Key Success Factor In That Technology?

Blockchain technology has far-reaching applications across many industries. Blockchain is already used to facilitate identity management, smart contracts, supply chain analysis, and much more.  Blockchain increases trust, security, transparency, and the traceability of data shared across a business network — and delivers cost savings with new efficiencies.